Thursday, August 16, 2007

Peter is in Real School

Peter is in Kindergarten. His first day of school was Monday. I took the morning off and Sarah, Clara and I walked him to school. It was really fun on the walk to school; Peter was walking so slowly, so I knew he was nervous. As outgoing as he is, he always approaches new situations with caution. He got into his teachers line and just stood there. Sarah tried to give him a hug and he stayed stiff, feeling out of place. A little later I gave him a hug and he hugged back. So Sarah tried again and met with success. I think that was important to her. Sarah and I were both pretty strong at the school. We both only teared up once. However during the weekend it was a totally different story. Sarah can post and tell you how her weekend went, but I balled like a little baby all weekend. This was my baby that is going to his job. He will not have a break from responsibility until he is old, maybe never. I have a hard time with that. Like most parents I think he has a loving personality and is so strong, but we have always been with him to protect our treasure. We have been trying to instill good values in him and training him to survive in this world. Now we have to truly let God do His thing when we aren't there. I think this is a lesson that I am not ready to learn. Well with His blessing I will have two more chances to figure this out.


Anonymous said...

John, I loved your two recent posts. The conference sounded really inspiring and your reflections were thoughtful.

Peter's first day of school must have been emotional! You expressed it well--your treasure is off to the world! What a precious boy! Just think how Moses' mom must have felt putting him in a basket down the river! We love you guys! J

Logisticus Maximus said...

I'm glad I haven't had to do that yet! We just signed the girls up to play soccer, and playing our first organized sport will be hard enough! How is Clara doing with Peter gone more?
