Friday, January 25, 2008

We Can't (or can) Wait!

Well, the date has been set! A few days ago the hospital called to confirm that we are on the schedule for a c-section delivery, February 22 at 9:15 am. It's crazy to think that you can "pencil in" a birth so far in advance! Of course, the time and date could change if needed, but for now we are looking forward to the 22nd with great anticipation (and a few nerves)!

What a great blessing to have made it this far with no complications. Truly God's hand is upon us every step of the way. So, now I realize we have less than ONE MONTH before baby Jonas arrives! Time to kick into nesting mode and clear out all the extra junk around the house, plan Clara's 3rd birthday party (Feb. 7th), and choose a middle name for the baby.

It's strange how I can feel such excitement and anticipation about meeting our new son, but at the same time wish for each day to go very slowly--to savor each special moment and not want anything to change just yet. So each morning I have to decide...what's the flavor of the day? I think "swirl" is the best choice. Half excitement, half contentment. And the countdown continues...


Anonymous said...

How fun to hear your thoughts written out! I loved talking with you recently. I hope you had a wonderful date and that you have a wonderful birthday celebration! I love you tons and I can't (can) wait to meet Jonas! Let's enjoy every moment of every day. Each day is a gift from God. Love, J

Anonymous said...

I somehow missed that you had announced his name. I'm excited to start praying for baby Jonas by name!

Unknown said...

i love the name jonas!!!! (zoe has one in her class--very nice boy!). i am so excited with/for you. we keep you in our prayers. (and we miss you so so much).

The Millers said...

A birthday buddy for Clara! How fun! We were thinking you'd pick a J name but just James or Jude since we're working on the New test names and I always tell them that Peter comes before his daddy!

Anonymous said...
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