Sunday, October 28, 2007


Lots has been happening this week in our family. We have so much to be thankful for:

-Read his first full-length book, “Go, Dogs, Go!”
-Took his first excursion train ride.
-Went to his first Halloween party without Mom & Dad.

-Danced to the Nutcracker for the first time.
-Took her first excursion train ride.
-Got her first layered haircut—very cute!

Baby Brother (Little Whoever)…
-Weighs 12 ounces, and is 20 weeks old. We’re halfway there!
-Got a GREAT report at his check-up this week. We can’t stop praising God for His goodness and protection!

In the midst of my (Sarah’s) overwhelming happiness flow a few tears…how quickly they are growing and changing! How much longer will Peter delight in the simple pleasures of childhood, like the music box Grandma gave him that plays when you turn the crank? And how sweet it is to hear Clara speak her emerging language, “Look at we pumpkins!” How blessed we are to be expecting a baby boy, and how precious when Peter and Clara talk about their new brother! I am overwhelmed with gratitude and love.


Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful kiddos that you have. I totally can see what baby-bean is doing in there. I love ultra sound pics and have learned how to figure out what everything is. I also think it's great how you guys are all brookside bloggers. It's nice to see that. I thought I was the only one.

Holly said...

I feel that same pain over my kids growing up. I heard a mom of a teenager anguishing over his hormones say "I just wish he was three again and asking the girl next door to marry him and me think it was cute!" - I am not looking completely forward to those pains!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! Photos and a Post!!! I think those three kids are ADORABLE!!! I have to call you soon--this week! I love you! J

P.S. What can an Auntie get for a "cool dude's" birthday coming up?